The program of CLAIMS_2023 consists of seven thematic workshops . These are embedded in a series of complementary events which aim at promoting exchange between the participants and allowing them to strengthen their research proposals. Additionally, the events encompassing CLAIMS_2023 have the goal of creating a friendly and open environment. All the courses and activities held as part of the program CLAIMS_2023 will be carried out in English.
[AP5] Food sovereignty and popular feminism in Brazil, Prof. Dr. Renata Motta, Heidelberg University
The Brazilian Marcha das Margaridas, a national protest march led by women’s organizations within rural unions, in alliance with other movements, has brought between 20,000 and 100,000 women to Brasilia six times since 2000. The Margaridas have worked on a political agenda for broad political and social transformations. Environmental issues have been always present in their struggles and demands and, more recently, climate change. Based on our long-standing research with the Marcha das Margaridas in Brazil, we address how they have framed climate change and climate politics within their broader agrarian environmental struggles?
Short presentations of the participant’s research projects followed by an extensive round of discussion.
The use and maintenance of minority languages are strongly conditioned by the context. Among minority languages, the most unknown are the heritage languages, which require specific techniques for their linguistic and social study in different contexts.
The aim of the workshop is to critically discuss the different forms of cultural heritage making regarding language and identity. Theoretical and methodological tools will be offered to analyze the processes of language heritagization in different contexts: national identity, minoritized regional languages, migration and the so-called heritage languages. The discussion of selected case studies from Ibero-America will provide a critical examination of the relationships between folklorization, commodification, identity, authenticity and community building.
Short presentations of the participant’s research projects followed by an extensive round of discussion.
The workshop focuses on methods qualitative methods for analyzing claims and counterclaims in the social sciences. It concentrates on interviews and case studies and discusses the benefits and limits of these methods by providing examples from original research and discussing methods chosen by participants in their individual research projects.
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